Super fun play, have had this pin for many years with no issues. LEDs installed, no cracks in ramps, and very minimal playfield wear below the two ramps where the ball drops.
Super bouncy ball flipper rubbers installed for quicker game play.

Riverboat Gambler is a gambling themed pinball machine produced by Williams. Pinball machine designer Mark Ritchie reportedly sings the song that plays during the game, whose gravel-voiced,
New Orleans-style male voice sounds similar to Louis Armstrong.

In the center of the head of the machine, a vertical roulette wheel operates more like the Wheel of Fortune than an actual roulette wheel and does not have a ball. 7 of 16 sections are black, 7 are red, which alternate,
with two green spaces that have stars on opposite sides. Located directly above the roulette wheel, a four digit display keeps track of virtual chips.
The player uses chips earned on the playfield to bet on the roulette wheel.
